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This section serves the needs of the caravans, bargemen, sell-swords and bravos who live in or visit the city. It is wall-to-wall flophouses, bars and brothels. The so-called Sell-Swords Guild (really more of an employment agency) is located here. Strangely enough, the Palace of the House of Sagittarius is located here.

Shopping in Beertown: this ward is where one buys bulk beverages. Spend a day, roll INT d20 to find what you are looking for. Purchase haggling: roll d20 WIS and d20 CHA checks: if you succeed at both; pay 75% of list; if you fail both; pay double, if you succeed at only 1, pay list.

beertown.1631462789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/12 16:06 by dave