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Month of Aries

  • 12–Mongo, Feelicks, Tobias, Gorgo, Lardo, Cypress Tristan Mercy Henceforth meet at Ramthor's Goblin and retrieve a stolen barrel from the Marvins in Ratburg, delivering it to an elf in Wheelburg.
  • 19-26–Mongo, Corin, Emrys, and Woe Be Gone explore the Broken Tower of Thorgok

Month of Taurus

  • 2–Ibson and Thrax are robbed/beaten in Big Tim's Hole.
  • 3–Ibson, Thrax, Joe, Tobias and Rune destroy Marvelous Myron's Madhouse Bar, killing 4 thieves, Myron and 5 city guards
  • 6–Rune is punished by 2 Mystic Union magicians when he tries to steal from them.
  • 9–Tobias joins the Mystic Union
  • 20–Tobias, Feelicks and Woe Be Gone, rob Hormelitious Funke, a Capricorn Rent-Collector, and a shipment of smuggled House Leo Krangor leaves. Woe Be Gone joins the Rat Bastard gangs.

Month of Gemini

Month of Cancer

Month of Leo

Month of Virgo

Month of Libra

Month of Scorpio

Month of Sagittarius

Month of Capricorn

Month of Aquarius

Month of Pisces

my_1195.1636376151.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/08 12:55 by dave