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gang_organization [2016/11/17 23:32] – created davegang_organization [2016/11/21 01:24] dave
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 =====Gang Organization===== =====Gang Organization=====
-Gangland life in Gotham City is Organized Crime, with a capital O.  Where flashback robbers like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd and Bonnie and Clyde run around the Midwest with just a few gang members, the nine gangs of Gotham have tens of thousands of members.  These are organized in similar fashions.  The basic break down is between "crews" and "leadership" Every gang is broken into crews, typically from 5 to 25 members each.  Each crew typically has its own specialty.  Whereas the crew is basically the same for each gang, the leadership structure varies widely.+Gangland life in Gotham City is Organized Crime, with a capital O.  Where flashy bank robbers like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd and Bonnie and Clyde run around the Midwest with just a few gang members, the nine gangs of Gotham have tens of thousands of members.  These are organized in similar fashions.  The basic break down is between "crews" and "leadership" Every gang is broken into crews, typically from 5 to 25 members each.  Each crew typically has its own specialty.  Whereas the crew is basically the same for each gang, the leadership structure varies widely.
 **The Italian Gangs** **The Italian Gangs**
 The Italian Gangs, i.e., [[falcone_family|Falcone Family]], [[moroni_family|Moroni Family]] and  [[east_siders|The East Siders Gang]] follow the traditional Mafia organization.  Each gang is headed by a Boss, who is assisted by an Under-Boss and a Consigliere.  Each crew is headed by a Capo and contains soldiers and associates.  The soldiers, Capos and leadership are all "made guys"  formally initiated into the mafia.  It's against mafia law to kill a made guy without approval from the boss.  Only Italians are able to become made men, non-Italians can be associates only and never rise in the ranks. The Italian Gangs, i.e., [[falcone_family|Falcone Family]], [[moroni_family|Moroni Family]] and  [[east_siders|The East Siders Gang]] follow the traditional Mafia organization.  Each gang is headed by a Boss, who is assisted by an Under-Boss and a Consigliere.  Each crew is headed by a Capo and contains soldiers and associates.  The soldiers, Capos and leadership are all "made guys"  formally initiated into the mafia.  It's against mafia law to kill a made guy without approval from the boss.  Only Italians are able to become made men, non-Italians can be associates only and never rise in the ranks.
-     The East Siders choose their boss by election of the capos.  The Falcones and Moronis have never had to choose a new boss, being new as families, but would presumably have a Boss chosen for them by the National Mafia Commission.  Capos are chosen by the boss, and the boss also determines if someone can become a made guy.  Capos can use whatever associates he likes, unless specifically ordered not to.+ 
 +The East Siders choose their boss by election of the capos.  The Falcones and Moronis have never had to choose a new boss, being new as families, but would presumably have a Boss chosen for them by the National Mafia Commission.  Capos are chosen by the boss, and the boss also determines if someone can become a made guy.  Capos can use whatever associates they like, unless specifically ordered not to
 +**The Sons of David** 
 +Following the lead of the New York Jewish Mob, the [[sons_of_david|Sons of David]] are close associates with the National Mafia Commission.  They have adopted an organization parallel to the Italian Gangs.  Their Boss is called the Chairman, their Underboss is called the Treasurer, and their Consigliere is called the Secretary.   The capos are called captains.   There are no "made guys", you are either in or out.   Non-Jews are never part of a crew and are contracted by captains for single jobs.
 +**The Chinese Gangs**
 +The [[golden_dragons|Golden Dragons]] and presumably (or perhaps not) the terribly mysterious [[ghost_dragons|The Ghost Dragons Gang]] use Chinese Triad organization.  At the top is the Dragon Master or Mountain Master.  The next level down there are the Vanguard (operations), Grass Slipper (deputy master) and Incense Master (ceremonies and initiation).  The next lowest level contains the White Paper Fan (administrator), Red Pole (enforcer) and Straw Sandal (go-between).  Below these officials are the 49 (ordinary, initiated members) and the Blue Lanterns (uninitiated associates).
 +The Chinese gangs do not seem to have permanent crew captains, with a 49 chosen to lead a mission by the Red Pole or Vanguard.  The difference between the 49 and Blue Lantern is similar to the difference between mafia made men and associates.
 +**The Wound Ravens**
 +The Irish [[wound_ravens|Wound Ravens Gang]] has a three-man leadership.  The overall boss is the called The Father, his principal deputy is called the Son, and the enforcer of Discipline in the gang and their turf is called the Holy Ghost.   The crews all have numbers, often with a nickname attached, instead of names.  When the Father needs to be replaced due to death, retirement or long imprisonment, the Son, the Holy Ghost and any Crew Chief may run for the job.   Each candidate is assigned a color and the entire gang meets and elects the new Father by dropping a bullet painted the appropriate color into an empty whisky barrel.  The votes are counted in front of everyone and the new Father chosen.  While the overwhelming majority of the gang is Irish, it is not a requirement to join, you must be Catholic, of course, not be from England, and must be voted in by the crew you wish to join.
 +**The All Americans**
 +The upper leadership of the All Americans is strictly hereditary.  There are two leaders, 'Mister White" who is a member of the Snow Family, and "Master Red" who comes from the Allerton Family.  Each crew swears allegiance to one of the two leaders, but these arrangements are also mostly hereditary. 
 +**The Free Men**
 +The Free Men have the least centralized organization of all the gangs.  The Crew Chiefs are all called Bosses, and any boss who can command the allegiance of 100 men or more has the right to take part in the Meeting, where important things are decided.  They also chose the President of the gang who provides direction in all dealings with the other gangs and moderates disputes among crews.
gang_organization.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:23 by