A disproportionate percentage of the police force is made up of Irishmen, although this is marginally less so among the detectives, since a high school diploma is required for detective work.
Lester Feckworth, the current police commissioner, just took office six months before the campaign starts following the suspicious suicide of the last one.
Those cops that aren't crooked are just trying not to be killed. There are very few police who will stick their neck out for fear that they will loose their jobs in this bad economy, or draw the ire of the underworld that lurks everywhere just below the surface.
The Police Department hierarchy is organized around the city districts, with inspectors, captains and other ranks assigned to various duties.
Since the Great War, Gotham's finest have begun to use a pair of police airships to help track crime in Gotham. The police zeppelins are launched from their hangars in Blanchaven.
Gaming a Police Encounter
When encountering cops, draw 1 card:
Spades means that the cops are a criminals themselves, active partners with gangsters.
Hearts means they are crooked and will do anything for a buck.
Diamonds means they are basically honest, but afraid of the crooks and won't stick their necks out.
Clubs mean they are good cops.
If a Joker is drawn, all bets are off. Chances are the police aren't what they say they are at all.