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Points of Interest

There are several districts of Gotham, each with one or more points of interest.

Gotham Proper

  • Gotham General is the main facility for the ill to receive treatment in Gotham.
  • St. Luke's Hospital The other hospital in this district is less of a hospital and more of a disaster waiting to happen. The staff is over worked, underpaid, and all the gang violence ends up at this urban hospital.

The Bowery



  • The Hagshead Lounge is a notorious strip club still does a reasonable business in this district despite the fact that it is ground down with peeling paint and cracking mortar.
  • There is a half-finished passenger liner rotting in its slip named The Silver Princess that is the home for squatters and drunks.


points_of_interest.1476662443.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:17 (external edit)