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At the end of each session, there will be a PAY OUT. The pay-out is determined by cross-referencing “Success” with “Kill Jar”.


  • Kill Jar 0-5: 1-P
  • Kill Jar 6-10: 1-N
  • Kill Jar 11-15: 0-D
  • Kill Jar 16+: 0-D


  • Kill Jar 0-5: 2-C
  • Kill Jar 6-10: 2-P
  • Kill Jar 11-15: 1-N
  • Kill Jar 16+: 0-D


  • Kill Jar 0-5: 3-C,P
  • Kill Jar 6-10: 3-P
  • Kill Jar 11-15: 2-N
  • Kill Jar 16+: 1-N

The number represents 3 things: • Number of XP each player gets • Number of draws from the ordinary gear deck the team gets per person • Number of draws rom the Special Deck the team gets as whole

Additionally the following letter codes apply:

  • D—Dragnet by police next session, each time a 2 of clubs is drawn in initiative (either yours or enemies’ draw), 1-6 cops show up aiming to gun you down.
  • P—Positive News story in the Paper: +1 charisma to all players next session.
  • N—Negative News Story in the Paper: -1 to charisma to all players next session
  • C-City Goes wild—next session, every time a Queen of Hearts is drawn by the players, some unexpected allies arrive to help the players.

EXAMPLE 1: The Vigilantes capture the Red Turnip–a notorious bank robber–and had made only 1 “unnecessary” kill (shooting a dirty stoolie who had surrendered). But, they didn't discover the Turnip's master, so the GM calls it a SUCCESS, with 1 in the Kill Jar.

How do we figure “unnecessary”? I just thought it would be ALL kills or harm? What about property damage?

The result is 2-C: each player gets 2XP, assuming there are 4 players, Rufus delivers 4×2=8 ordinary gear cards, and the team draws 2 special cards. The city goes wild, they are in all the papers and next time, help will arrive whenever they draw a Queen of Hearts.

EXAMPLE 2: The team is captured after a long process of fruitless investigation and are thrown into a dank pit which takes them ages to escape. They use dynamite to escape finally, killing 6 coal miners nearby, so 6 in the kill jar.

They are failures with 6 kill-jar so the result is 1-N. So each player gets 1XP, the team gets 4 ordinary gear cards, and they draw 1 special card. There's a negative story in the Bugle linking them to the explosion, so everyone they talk to next game is -1 on reactions. (Then the players all quit the campaign after such a terrible, dull game session).

synthesized_rewards_system.1477929797.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:18 (external edit)