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At the end of each session, there will be a PAY OUT. The pay-out is determined by cross-referencing “Success” with “Kill Jar”.


  • Kill Jar 0-5: 1-P
  • Kill Jar 6-10: 1-N
  • Kill Jar 11-15: 0-D
  • Kill Jar 16+: 0-D


  • Kill Jar 0-5: 2-C
  • Kill Jar 6-10: 2-P
  • Kill Jar 11-15: 1-N
  • Kill Jar 16+: 0-D


  • Kill Jar 0-5: 3-C,P
  • Kill Jar 6-10: 3-P
  • Kill Jar 11-15: 2-N
  • Kill Jar 16+: 1-N

The number represents 3 things: • Number of XP each player gets • Number of draws from the ordinary gear deck the team gets per person • Number of draws rom the Special Deck the team gets as whole

Additionally the following letter codes apply:

  • D—Dragnet by police next session, each time a 2 of clubs is drawn in initiative (either yours or enemies’ draw), 1-6 cops show up aiming to gun you down.
  • P—Positive News story in the Paper: +1 charisma to all players next session.
  • N—Negative News Story in the Paper: -1 to charisma to all players next session
  • C-City Goes wild—next session, every time a Queen of Hearts is drawn by the players, some unexpected allies arrive to help the players.

EXAMPLE 1: The Vigilantes capture the Red Turnip–a notorious bank robber–and had made only 1 “unnecessary” kill (shooting a dirty stoolie who had surrendered). But, they didn't discover the Turnip's master, so the GM calls it a SUCCESS, with 1 in the Kill Jar.

How do we figure “unnecessary”? I just thought it would be ALL kills or harm? What about property damage? I'm thinking if armed bad guys are shooting at you or if they're crab people, it doesn't go in the jar if you kill back. But, guys running away, guys who've surrendered, guys you've shot in the back, guys with non-lethal weapons, innocent by-standers, all cops (dirty or not), hostages you could have saved if you surrendered, all go in the jar–I think it will be pretty clear cut most of the time.

The result is 2-C: each player gets 2XP, assuming there are 4 players, Rufus delivers 4×2=8 ordinary gear cards, and the team draws 2 special cards. The city goes wild, they are in all the papers and next time, help will arrive whenever they draw a Queen of Hearts.

EXAMPLE 2: The team is captured after a long process of fruitless investigation and are thrown into a dank pit which takes them ages to escape. They use dynamite to escape finally, killing 6 coal miners nearby, so 6 in the kill jar.

They are failures with 6 kill-jar so the result is 1-N. So each player gets 1XP, the team gets 4 ordinary gear cards, and they draw 1 special card. There's a negative story in the Bugle linking them to the explosion, so everyone they talk to next game is -1 on reactions. (Then the players all quit the campaign after such a terrible, dull game session).

synthesized_rewards_system.1477931386.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:18 (external edit)