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Founded in 1882 by Irish hooligans, the gang went the usual cycle of pretending to be an ethic protective society, but really just squeezing the Irish neighborhoods for what little money they had, to becoming a full time criminal enterprise, specializing in house-breaking and the hijacking of cargo (in addition to the traditional protection, prostitution, gambling and loan-sharking).

Around 1900, the leader of the gang was named Shamus O'Toole and was famous for being a maniacal arsonist, but managed to turn that psychopathy into a source of major profit. His son Declan O'Toole is currently a crew chief in the gang.

The leadership of the gang are called the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Father is the gang leader, The Son is his executive deputy, and the Holy Ghost is in charge of discipline within the gang and within the turf at large.

The current Father is named "Totally Mental" McMurray, who despite being beaten to a bloody stump by an enforcer from the Maroni family over some issue of bootlegging turf, got up and laughed hysterically while cutting the enforcer to ribbons with a broken piece of glass.

The leadership each have their own bodyguards, but the rest of the gang is broken up into Crews (5-20 men) led by a Crew Chief. Each crew boss is referred to by a number, and each member of his crew has that number cut into his skin somewhere.

This gang is most influential with the lower ranks of the police department, a large percentage of whom are Irish. Currently, they are becoming desperate to recoup lost bootlegging revenue and have stepped up house-breaking and cargo hijacking to an almost obscene level.

The gang is strong in Otisburg, The Bowery and Crime Alley

wound_ravens.1476663688.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:19 (external edit)