====== March 22, 2013 ====== {{ :img_0048.jpg?direct&100|}} * A gathering was held at [[The Gene Pool]] by [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse]]. * All of York learns of a [[Sabbat]] recruiting station masquerading as a farming commune. * Led by [[Django Jerusalem]] and [[Tybalt]], a group of York's kindred attack the [[Sabbat]] commune but are driven off by sheer numbers. * Through his intermediary [[Clio]], [[Nok]] the [[Followers of Set|Settite]] leader calls all of his clan to leave York in response to the new Prince's demotion of status. * Later [[Nok]] reverses his decision and accepts [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse's]] offer to be acknowledged within the [[Camarilla]] and serve as the voice of all the clans. * Led by [[Q]] and [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse]], the entire assemblage of York's finest assault the Sabbat compound and deliver final death to a dozen Sabbat vampires and their ghouls. * Following the attack, the kindred of York learn that there is a powerful [[Tzimiece]] named Bishop Cinders who works as the [[Sabbat]] warlord. * [[Django Jerusalem]] takes control of the mortals who once were enslaved by the Sabbat, making them his own followers. * [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse]] makes a [[2013-03-22Proclamation|public proclamation]] investing several of the other kindred of the city with social status. ===== Player Characters Present ===== * [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse]] * [[Django Jerusalem]] * [[Emile DeLecroix|Emile]] * [[Mikhail]] * [[Tybalt]] * [[Serina O'Riley]] * [[Riviera]] * [[Q]] * [[Jack Strayer]] * [[Anton]] * [[Papa Patrice]]