====== May 31, 2013 ====== ===== Synopsis ===== * [[Elysium]] was held at [[Bacchus]]. * [[Emile DeLecroix|Emile]] finds that his estate is being picketed by members of the new life church. * [[Jack Strayer]] awakens to a similar demonstration going on at [[The Gene Pool]]. * Emile arranges for the members of the demonstration to be caught trespassing on his land. * Emile joins the protest at [[The Gene Pool]]. * [[Aaron Thompson]] attempts to goad this demonstration into trespassing as well, but they stand fast. * Emile wins the support of many of the protesters. * He catches a glimpse of some weapons in the group, including two younger members who are carrying home made explosive devices. * Aaron arranges for the media to cover the protesters, saying that they are in the process of breaking the law. * Emile texts Aaron, asking the Brujah to use his police influences through Officer Smith to investigate the weapons the protesters have. * Emile manages to keep the armed protesters from leaving, and points the police to the offending members. * The protest quickly dissolves under the questioning of the police and watchful eye of the media. * Jack Strayer, Emile, and Aaron next begin to explore how they will deal with the three magical statues/antennae that are interfering with vampiric disciplines. * Jack uses his influences and resources to invite some "skanks" to coax [[Mikey Black]] to make an appearance and kick some heads in. * Aaron uses his influences to obtain an order from Judge Wendy for police to search the New Life Church's radio station along Route 30 East of York. * Aaron convinces Officer Smith to provide a patrol car, and uniforms so that the group can pose as police. * Mikey, Aaron, and Jack arrive at the radio station. They find connections to the New Life Church throughout, and manage to destroy the first statue. They bring the four they find there back to the police for questioning and set the station to broadcast smut in order to get them in trouble with the FCC. * Next, the group drives to the second statue in Hanover where they get in a quick firefight with some mortals associated with the New Life Church. Mikey Black takes a few hits, but otherwise there is little resistance to the vampires destroying the statue. The kindred leave the mortal's abandoned guard building on fire. * The [[Seven Deadly Sins]] nightclub is attacked by a group of well-armed militia guys, presumably of the New Life Church. They are led by "Ron" the former night manager of SDS with his face made up as a clown. * Finally, the group investigates how to infiltrate the New Life Church compound itself. Aaron throws Mikey over the electrified fence where he booby traps the power to overload. The overload causes a fire and cuts all power. The vampires climb to the roof of the Church and destroy the statue, and take some random poorly aimed fire from the guard towers. The vampires run, easily evading all the firepower randomly targeted in towards the compound. * Mikey, Aaron, and Jack all party together along with the "skanks". ===== Player Characters Present ===== * [[Aaron Thompson]] * [[Jack Strayer]] * [[Emile DeLecroix|Emile]] * [[Mikey Black]] ==== Cameo Appearances ==== * [[Mikhail]] * [[Molly]]