====== Constance "CJ" Jones ====== {{ :constancehome.png?200|}} Clan: [[Toreador]] Position: [[Seneschal]] Player: Megan Description: Constance, like all Toreador, values art above most things. Raised in museums her entire life, she realized at an early age that people didn't appreciate exhibits properly and as kindred takes it upon herself to make sure certain pieces are shown the proper respect. Loyalty to the Camarilla and her Sire [[Eleanor]] brings her to York where she looks forward to returning to the state she spent most of her afterlife in. She owns a bar on 2nd street called [[http://www.lordsofhack.com/roses/web/SDS|Seven Deadly Sins]] or SDS for short and will be taking over as owner again after [[Eleanor]] kindly maintained it for so long. Her presence in York is undefined beyond her loyalties, but like all loyal clans The Masquerade is of great concern to her and hers. Constance once occupied the position of the [[Harpy]] under [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse]] but was moved to the [[Seneschal]] position in [[Q|Q's]] [[Praxis]]. York is proving a greater challenge than expected for the forever young Constance. Temptations lurk in unsuspecting places and her past looms over heard like The Sword of Damocles. Her loyalties are ever tested by her covetous nature and the fierce nature of York's Court. ===== Notable Characteristics ===== She has a seven pointed star tattooed on her left wrist and a large black messenger bag that weighs enough to be fully weaponized. It's contents remain thoroughly unknown. ==== Rumors ==== * She is a known and hunted art thief that goes by the alias Zorra. * She never lost her faith in Catholicism and uses her club SDS to punish the impious in ways fitting their sins. *While living in Manhattan she met and befriended the Giovanni kindred [[Serina O'Riley]] after meeting at an exhibit of mutual interest. * She taught her sire how to swim and it was the most urn dignified thing the older kindred ever enjoyed. [[secret:constance info|Constance's Secret Link]] === Player Bio === Megan is a Medical Assistant by day, nerd by night. Though new the VtM she is sadly no stranger to improv and did what she calls "emergency acting" in high school. (The emergency being someone needed an actor very quickly for something) Her friends say she's been preparing for this game her whole life, having always been interested in vampires in literature, media, history, and culture. She's no stranger to vampires...just a stranger to the Masquerade.