====== Émile de la Croix ====== Clan: [[Tremere]] Position: [[Harpy]] Sect: [[Camarilla]] Player: Steve ===== Status ===== * //Acknowledged// in 1718 by Prince Villion of Paris * Considered //Stalwart// by Prince White Horse of York, PA * //Cherised// and //Esteemed// in his position as Seneschal of the Court of the White Rose. ===== Description ===== {{ :emile.jpeg?direct&100|}} Émile was born in the Languedoc region of France to a wealthy landowner some time prior to the French Revolution. He was the third son of three, and was likely to join the clergy. However, his brothers were killed while off to war, leaving Émile to inherit everything. As such he soon became a wealthy landowner himself, and even took a wife and they had themselves a child. He spent his days within the vineyards, at least until a member of Clan Tremere took an interest in some of his "extra-curricular" activities. He joined with the Tremere of Paris and was acknowledged in 1718 by Prince Villion. He remained in France until the Revolution, wherein he disappeared from the Paris Court, only to emerge with the Tremere of the Winchester, England. He would later return to France and to the Languedoc where it is said his family still owns the vineyard. He came to America at some point following the second World War. He purchased a manor house and planted a small vineyard in the Susquehanna Valley of Pennsylvania, which he has operated for a number of years. He is currently renovating his property, looking to add on a ballroom for weddings and other special events. Additionally, he is known to own and operate the Bacchus Nightclub, a bit more of an upscale affair than the Gene Pool across town. Among other Kindred, Émile is known as a purveyor of Blood Mead, a concoction of intoxicating blood that can be enjoyed by Kindred. Émile once occupied the position of the [[Seneschal]] under [[G.R. Whitehorse|Prince Whitehorse]] but was moved to the [[Harpy]] position in [[Q|Q's]] [[Praxis]]. ===== Rumors ===== * Émile is only pretending to be a fop, surely a Kindred that foolish would not have survived this long? * Émile's mortal son is still alive as a ghoul * Émile is married to a mortal. * Émile acts foppish because he drank too much of his own Blood Mead, it's not an act. * Craxus doesn't much care for Émile. * Émile regularly drinks regular wine. * Émile throws the best parties, just don't drink the punch. * Émile is a member of a Dionysian cult, or maybe he's the leader of a Dionysian cult. * Émile only went easy on Serena because he owes a Giovanni elder a significant boon. * Émile lost his eye in a tavern brawl. ===== Notable Traits ===== Émile has a scar over his right eye and regularly wears an eyepatch, although when going out in public, he sometimes replaces this with a glass eye. His long hair is a dark brown color with streaks of grey starting to creep in. His one good eye is a very pale blue color. He dresses anachronistically for his parties and other Kindred gatherings, fancying an old style blue jacket and black silk shirt. He often leans on a cane and seems to walk with an slight limp. He does sometimes carry a sword, using an old rapier. On those rare occasions when he is seen outside of normal Kindred gathering he is either wearing a business suit, or if found working in his vineyard, an old pair of worn jeans and button down work shirt, both of which are usually covered in mud. Other times he is seen wearing gear suited towards horse riding, as his vineyard estate also has stables and nearby trails for horse-riding. ===== Secret Information ===== All secret information can shared securely behind this link. [[secret:emile_info|Secret Link]]