* I have no idea where Mel was going when she created Jean. AFAIK, she is a 9th Generation Tremere who specializes in attack magics. Until [[:Tzavrarus]] appeared on the scene she was the Tremere Primogen. Now she serves as just another member of the group of background characters. * Jean was one of the original York vampires along with * [[Sarah]] the Tremere was the Sheriff until she was slain offstage by the Sabbat. I want to say that Jean and Sarah were lovers of sorts, but that plotline never came to pass. I figured that if it ever came up (and it never did) that she was in mourning and that was why she didn't seek any more status. * Emile is the head of the York chantry of the Tremere, so although he is not the Primogen, he is the de facto leader of all the Tremere in York. * We have never established the true location of the York chantry.