====== Overheard at the Primogen Meeting 2013.04.19 ====== **Eleanor**: Good evening, Charles! **Charles**: Do you have a moment, Eleanor? **Eleanor**: For you? I have two! [Eleanor and Charles duck into an empty room or hallway] **Charles**: I'm so sorry, Eleanor! **Eleanor**: *You* are sorry! Why don't you take better care of your herd, Charles. Now you've done it. **Charles**: I didn't know! **Eleanor**: You should know better by now! Just as soon as your blood supply shows any illness you need to stop feeding since... **Charles**: We are under attack. **Eleanor**: You don't. Of course we are under attack, Charles! We are always under attack. **Charles**: Leave with me. **Eleanor**: What? **Charles**: Let's move away together. Let's start fresh somewhere else. [Eleanor scoffs - there is an extended silence] **Charles**: I believe that the Tremere can find us a cure. **Eleanor**: They can't find out how I was infected, Charles. **Charles**: Just tell them you drank the tainted blood of a mortal. That is how all us Ventrue got sick. **Eleanor**: Someone is going to talk. They will just create a story, Charles. Someone will know! **Charles**: They won't, Eleanor. They...just let me deal with this. Try to stay away for the most part and I'll find us a cure. **Eleanor**: I mean it! This could be the end. **Charles**: For us? **Eleanor**: Yes. I don't want to see you for a long time now. **Charles**: What? **Eleanor**: Go away. Leave town! I'm sick of this. [long pause, Charles sighs] **Charles**: As you wish.