* Zach is a 7th Generation Gangrel * Zach was originally a barbarian prince. "Zach" is not even close to his true name, but it is rather the "europeanized" one he gave himself when he entered society. * Zach overestimates how good he is at technology and magic. He routinely wrecks cars and cell phones. * He is not one for making plans. He often acts first and thinks later. He is impulsive for one so old. It is a testament to his luck and toughness. * Zach was overpowered by the Sabbat (with [[:Strings]] help) and beaten into torpor. [[:Strings]] then engineered his escape and made sure he would be found by a member of the Camarilla to tempt them into diablerie. Emile was surely tempted, but instead gained a life boon by "saving" Zach.