
When Frogg's first master died in a tragic fire, it had nothing to do with Frogg so Frogg moved on to York after Frogg made some other connectinos and Frogg met the nice Malkavian Murdock and Frogg worked for Murdock doing things for Murdock that Murdock wanted done so Frogg could live comfortably and quietly just like Frogg likes. Frogg is a master at picking pockets. Frogg is driven by Obsessive-Compulsive disorders to always check that Frogg has done each and everything just as Frogg's master says, or else something terrible would happen or Frogg would be punished. Frogg is also obsessed with order and symmetry, and is most distressed if there are an odd number of objects in an array or grouping. Frogg has been known to fold and put away stangers' laundry for no reason. Finally Frogg compulsively hoards small items such as coins, buttons, and seeds and at any time may have a huge number of these items stashed in Frogg's pockets. Frogg has recently started a collection of cell phones, which tests Frogg's pickpocketing skills.