Here's an update on what happened last game: two Archons were in the area hunting Sabbat and Infernalists. In order to explain my pC's sudden disappearance she went to Baltimore to try to retrieve Craxus. Whether or not she lives is up to you. Steve's PC declared praxis and ordered anyone who finds Q to subdue her and bring her to him. While Pascek OKed her mission, one of the Archons declared her rogue before he fired him. No one but Steve's PC knows this, they all think she's gone rogue.
Five BSDs attacked lead by a Lasombra. The LA was knocked out but the BSDs retrieved him and left.
Craxus and Byron disappear. Zach reports Craxus is dead. Q feels awful like a piece of her is missing. Craxus shows up to save the day. Turns out that Byron gives his life so that Q and Craxus could be together. Kind of a “tale of two cities” thing.