====== Shield Lands Wiki ====== {{:shield_lands_01.png?400|}} Here's our initial wiki for our Shield Lands campaign set in GreyHawk with DLN Rampage rules. =====Campaign Setting Information===== [[World Map|The Greyhawk World Map]] * [[Languages]] * [[Greyhawk Canon]] * [[nobility|Greyhawk Nobility]] * [[The Region|The Region]] * [[Gods|Gods of the Shieldlands Campaign]] ===== Paths to Adventure ===== As the game progresses, players may choose from the following list of locations to explore and find adventure. * **The Fallen Feifdom of [[Petestone|Petestone]]** - Lord Petestone the Holy has ruled this feif in exile since his father before him was found murdered. It is located adjacent to the [[Rift Canyon|Great Rift Canyon]]. [[holmer|Lord Holmer the Earl of Walworth]] has decreed that this land should be reclaimed for the shieldlands. Lord Petestone wishes to see his family's hold deep within the [[Trimarch]] recovered, and promises the adventurers a title and a claim to [[Petestone Keep]] if they can win the area back from the dark forces that have taken it over. * **Vengeance for the Blue Damsel** The people in the [[trimarch|Trimarch]] tell the tale that the ghost of Lady Violette of [[blorgon|Blue Skies]], who was betrayed and destroyed by filthy Hoborgs. Do our heroes dare seek the ghost and discover her tale and avenge her, quite possibly saving the Shield Lands in the process? * **For the Future of Bromley!** [[zander|Baron Zander of Bromley]] has big plans to expand (or rather restore) his fiefdom by any means necessary. Do you want to get in on the ground floor? =====Game Information===== * [[The Rules]] * [[Character Generation]] * [[To Recruit|To Recruit Henchmen, Specialists and Mercenaries]] =====Our Heroes===== [[William Snow]] (Craigj) [[Apollo Greed]] (Craigj) [[SirJohn|Sir John of Gerk]] (Dave) [[Gnomelash!]] (Dave) [[Normlan|Normlan of Chendl]] (Andrew) [[Ikarus|Ikarus Lenus]] (Quinton) [[Petrichor|Petrichor Silverleaf]] (Quinton) [[Piscis|Piscis Lac the Jack]] (Luke) [[Jakcolos]] (David C) [[Gruz| Gruz Bondro]] (David C) [[Pregens| Available Pregens]] Our initial draft of characters listed: [[Funnel|Tower Assault Crew 575]] **HENCHMEN, FLUNKIES AND HANGERS-ON** | [[Finkleberry|Finkleberry]] | [[ramjam|Ramjam]] R.I.P. | [[Morcar|Morcar]] | [[Zukerdog]] |[[Friar Biggins]] | | [[Mace Man Max]] |[[Stanfred]] | [[Buttauco|Buttafuco]] R.I.P. |[[Bartelby|Herald Bartleby]] |[[Joe Boggs]] R.I.P. | | [[Muggins|Mike Muggins]] | [[Fist of Doom]] | [[Roast|Fire Team Roast]] | [[Flank Masters]] |[[Prancing Doom]] | | [[Sloppy Jimbo]] | [[Demetria]] | [[Dethstyn]] | [[Jankin| Jankin Heartbreaker]] |[[Spunkmyer]] | | [[Myron| Myron Loft]] | [[Green Gordo]] | [[Rowan]] | [[Bunting]] | [[hermit_muntz|The hermit Muntz R.I.P.]]| | [[Robert Harr]] |[[gno_whitall|Gno Whitall R.I.P.]]| [[sister_dominica|Sister Dominica R.I.P.]]|[[mule_company|Mule Company]]| =====Campaign Records===== * [[Logs]] * [[Calendar]] * **Current Doom Clock: 13**