=====Fudley===== Fudley is a fiefdom in [[Trimarch|the Trimarch]] region, part of the [[shield_lands_summary|the Shieldlands]] alliance. It is one of the larger fiefdoms near the border, sitting halfway between [[Bromley|Bromley]] and [[petestone|Petestone]]. The fiefdom consists of the "Manor" which is a stout stone keep and outbuildings, and two villages: East Fudley and West Fudley, each about 1 mile from the keep, in opposite directions. 5 years ago East Fudley was brutally sacked, with about 40% of the inhabitants killed or carried off. The Baron is [[Turkin Fudley]], and his lineage is just as ancient and pedigreed as [[zander|Baron Zander of Bromley's]]. However, the two couldn't be more different. Baron Fudley is a pleasant fellow, cares deeply for his vassals and almost never leaves the manor. He and Zander can't stand each other, but would still aid one another in a crisis. The total population of Fudley is about 1600. The Baron has 8 household knights, and 6 vassal knights, each with his own farm and house (3 near each village). There are 64 soldiers (30 at the keep, 17 at each village) and the entire adult male population can be called up as a militia (about 320 men). There is a large church of St. Cuthbert in West Fudley, led by Bishop Leroy, the head priest of the Trimarch and there are about 8 lesser priests between the two villages. The West Fudley Market is held on the 10th and 20th of each month. This is a time to meet and buy and sell all manner of normal goods (like ale, tools, very basic weapons like spears and daggers). West Fudley is also the home of [[Marcello]] Bountic, who acts as the Baron's personal representative and business agent out of town. Marcello takes a caravan of goods from the Trimarch to Critwall or Admundfort (or even occasionally to Radigast City) and returning with items that can't be made on the manor. He's the richest man in the Trimarch, saving only the Barons. In East Fudley, there is a tavern with attached rooming house which goes by the name of Shedley's. Shedley's is run by a one-eyed halfing of the same name and serves travelers, adventurers and merchants who pass through the region. Shedley prefere long-term lodgers in the rooming house rooms, but passers-by can usually rent some space in the common room of the tavern for the night. Shedley is trying to raise money and slowly move more and more of his relatives into East Fudley, since their clan is down on their luck and East Fudley is rather underpopulated since the raid. (player characters with no other home are assumed to be renting a room here). East Fudley is currently the home of [[william_snow|William Snow]] whose house, the Snow palace is a genral flophouse for many of his adventuring buddies. There is also a new parish Church of St. Cuthbert of which Father Fitzsimmons is the vicar.