=====Myron Loft===== MYRON LOFT\\ Human, MU (Air Spec)-1, (Nyrond) Lawful\\ Sz M, Mv 30, Save 19 Attack +0\\ S-12, I-15, W-10, D-12, Co-8, Ch-6\\ +1 AC in light armor, 6 languages, +1 missile damage\\ Skills: Walking Stick; Languages: Common, Dwur, Old Suloise, Old Oeridian, Ancient Baklunish, Noniz, Moruz\\ Spell Book (Air spec, no Earth or Enchant), Read Magic, Circle of Protection, Air Shield, Concealing Fog, Fear, Detect Magic\\ Spell Per Day: Air Sheild and 2 other lvl-1\\ AC 11 (+1 Dex)\\ Hp 6\\ Gear: clothes, pack, staff, spell book, component pouch, quiver 12 darts\\