Village of Wudham

The village of Wudham was established in the late summer of 576 CY by Sir John of Gerk near his outpost of Wudchester. It was initially populated by 17 human peasants and 1 talented armorer who had been rescued from slavery by Sir John. This population was soon doubled by 18 Gnomes likewise freed from bondage. In October in Admundfort, Sir John recruited a band of 20 peasants who wished to become mercenaries. He granted them land in the village, armed and organized them as “The Mule Company”.

While both initial groups brought a good supply of grain with them, Sir John provided a large amount of basic home goods and tools to the village and the basic materials for 12 wooden huts and the village barn/storehouse which the villagers all constructed during September and October, in advance of the winter. In November, Sir John added materials for 12 proper wooden cottages and an armorer's smithy which were constructed by the inhabitants over the course of the month. He also provided 12 casks of additional uncooked rations for supplemental food, hoping that hunting would further augment food stores. In January 577 Sir John added a wooden watchtower to help guard the village. In April 577, The Hermit Muntz was installed in the village to tend to spiritual needs. The gnomes were hired by Sir John to carve out a hermit's cave (10×20') in the cliff side. Muntz was killed by a frost giant in July 577 and his cave turned into the storage room of a turf redoubt as a refuge for the villagers in case of attack. 20 additional peasant/mercenaries were added to the population in July as well.

Population: 57 humans, 18 gnomes
Buildings: 1 wooden barn, 12 wooden huts. wooden armorer's smith, 12 wooden cottages, wooden watchtower, hermit's cave, earth rampart redoubt with stockade tower
Leader: Robert Harr village bailiff.
