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Dark Avenger of the Night

Gnome, Jack/Illusionist-2, Lawful, Kron Hills, Initiate of Beorry

STR-10, INT-13, WIS-6, DEX-15, CON-9, CHA-10

+4 Languages, 3 Henchmen, 6gp/level reduction in expenses, Carry 10 items,
Detect Magic 1/day

Languages: Common, Noniz, Uroz, Jebli, Old Suloise, Baklunish
Save: 16, Move 25’

AC: 12 (+2 dex), Attack Bonus +0, +1 missile attack, +2 AC,

Hit Points: 8

Skills: (1d6), Stonework, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Hide in Forest, Careful Aim, Abject Flight, Alert Reaction, Ambush 3

Spell Book: Read Magic, Circle of Protection, Disguise, Sleep, Invisible Chuggins, Concealing Fog, Air Shield. Specialized in Illusion, may not use Perception or Necromancy Spells.

Gear: Component Pouch, Spell Book in metal box,, Large Wine Skin (4 pints), Short Bow, quiver of 20 arrows, bandoleer (dagger, silver dagger, lamp oil x3), Herbal bag (with 7 pipe weed cigars and 3 comfrey), flint and steel, money bag, 1 instant fire stick, scroll case with scrolls of Circle of Protection and Concealing Fog

Max Items: 10, Current: 9
Gold: 940 (june-July Spending not yet applied) XP 11338

Maintenance: August 576

Henchmen Bunting dwarf F-1, N

gnomelash.1688134275.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/30 14:11 by dave