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Human Languages

The Common Tongue: Spoken by most people in the continent. All adventuring PC's begin with this language. It is a mixture of Ancient Baklunish and Old Oerdian and exists in countless varieties and local dialects across the continent.

Fruz (a.k.a. The Cold Tongue): separate language spoken by the Snow, Ice and Frost Barbarians, descended from Old Suloise.

Flan: an ancient tribal language of the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. Spoken in the Duchy of Tenh, Geoff, and the Rovers of the Barrens, found in many ancient inscriptions.

Suloise: language of the lost Sorcerous empire now called the Sea of Dust. It is known and used only by scholars, wizards and learned men to read and interpret ancient texts and inscriptions.

Old Oeridian: original tongue of the the barbarians who fled the ruin of the Suel and Baklunish empires, settled the central portions of the continent and founded the Great Kingdom. It is now only used in old records, law-books, inscriptions and literature. It is one of the main components of the common tongue.

Baklunish this is the modern form of Ancient Baklunish, and is the primary language of Ket, Ekbir, Paynims, Wolf and Tiger Nomads, Tusmit, Ull and Zeif.

Ancient Baklunish: language of the rival of the Suel civilization. It is the other main component of the common tongue, but per se is only used by scholars and learned men and in NW areas as a literary and legal language.

Rhenee minor language, unrelated to any others, spoken by the Rhenne barge people.

Olman language of the southern jungles.

Non-Human Languages

Olve: the ancient language of all the world's elves. All elf and half-elf characters know this language to begin.

Dwur language of the Dwarves

Noniz language of the Gnomes

Uroz language of the Orcs and Ogres

Jebli_ language of the goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, and hoborgs.

Moruz very basic trade language of Trolls and Giants.

Sshuz hissing language of the Snake-men, shared by Lizardo, Troglodytes and Turtors.

Titanic language of the Titans, Storm Giants, angels and various lawful and neutral spiritual beings.

Hellspeak language of the demons and their infernal kin.

languages.1676328679.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/13 22:51 by dave