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Campaign Logs

  • Session 1 “The Return of the Bromley” - Wherein our heroes fight the Third Battle of 1000 Bones.
  • Session 2 “Hoborgs Suck Volume One” - Wherein our heroes first venture to Petestone Barony and clear the abandoned mine of hoborgs and silver ore.
  • Session 3 “The Ruins of Bangalor” - Wherein our heroes destroy the Cult of the Rat Bastard and empty the Tomb of Scabs.
  • Session 4 “The Quest of the Damsel's Tower, Part 1,” - Where Sir Normlan leads a band of his companions on a quest to rescue an elvish mystic, but Jondar is killed by a snake.
  • Session 5 “The Quest of the Damsel's Tower, Part 2,” Where the quest is completed, a damsel returned to her kin, a henchman and a left hand lost to a vengeful supernatural innkeeper.
  • Session 6 “Smrtboyz Smashed,” - Wherein Sir John of Gerk leads the heroes in a culling of the monstrous tribes of Petestone.
  • Session 7 “Cult of the Red Rot,” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones square off against a cult that supports one of the sinister forces of the Horned Society in an effort to grab the most loot.
  • Session 8 “Task Force Gerk,” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones lead a small army of henchmen and mercenaries in the initial assault on Petestone where they find riches but find themselves cursed and unable to rest within sight of the keep.
  • Session 9 “The Dead Wizard of Petestone Keep,” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones continues their assault on Petestone Keep where they discover a forgotten wizard's treasure hoard and encounter the ogres who nominally support the bugbear guardians.
  • Session 10 “The Doom of Deathbert,” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones learn they are no longer welcome in Tramphollow, break a mirror, and barely survive an encounter with a Death Knight.
  • Session 11 “Madame Mysteria’s Love Potions” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand bones loot an alchemist store deep within the dungeon keep.
  • Session 12 “Rude Boyz Crash the Party” - Wherein the newly completed outpost of Wudchester is attacked, and sweet retribution is delivered.
  • Session 13 “Cleaning Out the Nasty Hills” - Wherein Captain Gerk leads our band of mighty heroes to rid the Nasty Hills of the taint of evil.
  • Session 14 “Obelisk of the Aliens” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones encounter a strange alien obelisk and learn of a visitor to their world from beyond time and space.
  • Session 15 “Fungus Freaks Fortify against Foray to the Fourth Floor” - Wherein the cursed heroes of Petestone find the fourth level of Petestone keep to be both easy and hard to defeat.
  • Session 16 “Rescue from Blorgon” Sir Normlan is rescued from Rancid Thung.
  • Session 17 “Shirley Temple of Elemental Evil” - Wherein two gangs of warring werecreatures meet the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones.
  • Session 18 “Treasury of Shar Ghambo” - Wherein Task Force Bucket recovers a holy relic.
  • Session 19 “Dispel Magic and Dark Avenging” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones challenge the Warden of Petestone Keep.
  • Session 20 “The Defiled Crypt of Petestone” - Wherein the Heroes find a vampiric Old One necromancer within the crypt of Petestone Keep.
  • Session 21 “Hell Comes to Bumtown”- Wherein Jasper the Pumpkin Demon harries the crew and meets his doom.
  • Session 22 “The Mummy Princess” - Wherein the Heroes encounter a powerful undead sorceress and clear the final dwarven level of Petestone.
  • Session 23 “The Battle of East Fudley” - Wherein new properties in Fudley are challenged by marauding giants from the north, and the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones begin to explore the Mines of Madness.
  • Session 24 “The Tower of Aetherium” - Wherein some Heroes explore a magical tower that unexpectedly appears in a thick cloud of fog.
  • Session 25 “The Temple of Madness” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones venture into Petestone Cavern.
  • Session 26 “The Grand Hotel” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones discover the organization that facilitates travel to and from the floor of the Great Rift Canyon.
  • Session 27 “The Master of Madness” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones discover that the master of Petestone Barony and the Prelate of the Temple of Madness within the bowels of Petestone Keep are the same person.
  • Session 28 “Tharizdun” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones challenge the might of a deity and win, closing a chapter on the Petestone Barony megadungeon.
  • Session 29 “Battle of Wudchester” - Wherein the Heroes of One-Thousand Bones save the village of Wudchester from certain doom of the giant aristocracy.
  • Session 30 “Good Time Charlie's” - Wherein our Heroes learn that the entity calls itself “Good Time Charlie” is neither irredeemably evil nor completely good, just a powerful, proud and selfish spirit.
logs.1718045548.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/10 18:52 by andrew