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Mike Muggins

Butler of Wudchester

Muggins is an experienced soldier's servant, rescued by Sir John of Gerk and his allies from the dungeon under Petestone and then recruited into Sir John's service in July 576 CY. In September, he was promoted to Butler of the Wudchester Outpost and Squire to Sir John

Human, Jack-2, lawful, (Nyrond)
Sz M, Mv 30, Save 18, Attack +0
S-12, I-11, W-12, D-16, Co-10, Ch-10
2 languages, +3 AC in light armor

Skills: Pack Hauler, Swapper, Cache, Searcher, Buster, Double Dagger, Stab and Run, First Aid
Languages: Common, Flan, Baklunish

AC 16 (lamellar, +3 Dex)
Hp 11

Gear: lamellar, pack, 2 daggers, +1 magic dagger (quick blade), prybar, large wine skin (4 pints), healer’s bag, herbal bag (white lotus x1, comfrey x6, healing salve x1, birthwort x1), 5o' rope, 6 torches, instant fire x3

XP: 4970
Gold: 420
Maintained through: November 576

muggins.1697747150.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/19 20:25 by dave