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Mule Company

Mule Company is a group of 20 peasants wishing to become mercenaries, recruited in Admundfort in November 576 by Sir John. They have been settled in Wudham with plots of land under a charter saying that they may be called up by the Lord of the Manor for military duty. They were armed with gambeson, hand axe, light crossbow and bolts.

The company is currently divided into 4 teams of 5 men each: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Each team is called up for garrison duty in Wudchester one fourth of each month for 2 gp each for the term. This is a monthly expense of 40gp per month to Sir John to have 5 crossbowmen always on duty in Wudchester.

Sir John has also bought 5 more mules, with tack, saddles and 2 saddlebags each. These are kept in the village and can be used by the villagers for farm tasks, but Sir John can summon 1 team of the Mule Company to mount these mules and join him on expeditions for 2.5gp each per day or 5gp each per day if they enter a dungeon.

MULE COMPANY (villagers and part-time mercenaries) x20
Human, Jack-1, Neutral (Urnst)
Sz M, Mv 30, Save 19, Attack +0

Skills: Occupation (peasant), Occupation (carpenter), Forager, Pack Hauler, (2 others based on individual)
AC 12
Hp 4

Gear: gambeson, hand ax, light crossbow, case with 10 bolts.
Hand Axe: +0/1d6;
Light Crossbow: +0/1d8—60/120/180

Team Red: x5—Corporal Clyde
Team Blue: x5—Corporal Stubbin
Team Yellow: x5—Corporal Randy
Team Green: x5—Corporal Dunstan

mule_company.1699029567.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/03 16:39 by dave