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Normlan of Chendl

Sir Normlan of Chendl
Human Cleric-Militant
Lawful, Initiate of Pelor
Armor Class: 19 (Plate and Shield)
Hit Points: 17

STR-15 INT-11 WIS-16 DEX-14 CON-15 CHA-16

+1 hurled/melee Damage, Carry 15 things, 2 bonus languages, reduce monthly maintenance by 16, +1 1st level cleric spell, +1 to hit with melee, +1 HP per hit die, +1 to Saves

Save: 14

Spells: 3 - 1st, 1 - Healing, 1 - Lawful

Turn Undead

Skills: Stand and Fight (human skill)

Items: Plate & Shield, Warhammer

GP: 3

Equipment: Plate Armor, Shield, Rope 50’, Large Sack, Backpack, Six Torches, Flint and Steel, Comfrey x2, 2 Pint Wineskin w/ wine, Silver Holy Symbol (hanging around his neck on a cord), Prayer Beads, Instant Fire Stick, Lamp Oil

normlan.1678825029.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/14 20:17 by andrew