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Normlan of Chendl

Human Cleric-Militant
Lawful, Initiate of Pelor
Armor Class: 19 (Plate and Shield)
Hit Points: 17

STR-15 INT-11 WIS-16 DEX-14 CON-15 CHA-16

+1 hurled/melee Damage, Carry 15 things, 2 bonus languages, reduce monthly maintenance by 16, +1 1st level cleric spell, +1 to hit with melee, +1 HP per hit die, +1 to Saves

Save: 14

Spells: 3 - 1st, 1 - Healing, 1 - Lawful

Turn Undead

Skills: Stand and Fight (human skill)

Languages: Common, Old Oeridian, Flan

Items: Plate & Shield, Mace

GP: 3

XP: 5,000 (10,000 to Level 4)

Equipment: Plate Armor, Shield, Rope 50’, Large Sack, Backpack, Six Torches, Flint and Steel, Comfrey x2, 2 Pint Wineskin w/ wine, Silver Holy Symbol (hanging around his neck on a cord), Prayer Beads, Instant Fire Stick, Lamp Oil

Description: Raised as an erudite and cultured member of the grand city of Chendl, Normlan (or “Lan” as his friends call him) prefers the rustic simplicity of the Shieldlands, and has returned following his service to seek out his fortune and honor his deity.

Normlan is a knight in the service of Baron Turkin Fudley.

normlan.1685371252.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/29 14:40 by andrew