=====CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE===== This chamber of the government supervises all manufacturing, sale and transport of goods. Players will most likely interact with members of this chamber in two ways. First, when a [[space_cops|Space Cop]] patrol ship is assigned to anti-smuggling duty, one of its normal roster of patrolman will be replaced with a CIAT commerce inspector. Second, are the ubiquitous Spacers' Connection Kiosks The CIAT set up automated kiosks are set up at the space ports of all Colonies and Member Worlds. These kiosks are specifically designed to match space ship captains who need additional crewmen with space crew in need of work. This is a good way for a PC to get a job or to recruit crewmen to fill in needed positions on the player's ship. TENTATIVE \\ Standard crewmen will be paid one (1) credit for each 20 days of employment game session. A standard crewman has a D6 in all ability scores, a D6 in the skill related to the job they are hired for, and a D4 in an associated skill. Most crewmen are also trained spacers, and have some amount of fighting skill as well. For example:\\ * Pilot: Piloting d6, Knowledge (Astrogation) d4, Fighting d4, Shooting d4, * Science Ops: Ship Ops d6, Knowledge (Astrogation) d4. Fighting d4, Shooting d4 * Engineer: Repair d6, Ship Ops d4, Fighting d4, Shooting d4 * Gunner: Shooting d6, Fighting d6, Repair d4 More specialized marines, mercenaries, and Wild Card crew can be hired from the [[CIAT kiosks]] as well.