=====EXECUSTAR===== Execustar is the premier Corporate Security Company in the slice. They sell all sorts of services from anti-hacking software, to rent-a-guards, to asset recovery, to space convoy escort and mercenary work. If Execustar is hired for a job, it tells the opposition that the clients really mean business. Whereas Execustar will hire Navy and Marine veterans it will not hire Space Cops and there exists considerable ill-will between them and the cops. //Tentative:\\ Players can arrange to contract fire-teams of either 4 security guards or 4 para-military mercenaries from most Execustar Offices (there is a 10% chance per 1 million people (round up) that there is an Execustar office on any Colony or Member world). The Security Guards cost 1 credit per team per game session. The Mercenaries cost 2 credits per team per game session. All equipment issued remains property of Execustar and must be returned or paid for by the customer at the end of the term of employment. All payment is made in advance. It is to be remembered that you are not hiring the men directly, but rather contracting with Execustar, who might refuse actions that might cause blow back to the company,csuch as clearly illegal acts.\\ __Execustar Security Guard__: Agi d6, Sm d6, Spir d6, Str d6, Vig d6; \\ Fighting d6, Shooting d6, Security d6, Piloting d4, Notice d6.\\ Parry 5, Toughness 5 (7)\\ Kevlar Vest and Helmet,Heavy Bolt Pistol or Flechette Pistol, baton, communicator.\\ __Execustar Para-Military Mercenary:__ Agi d8, Sm d6, Spir d8, Str d8, Vig d8; \\ Fighting d8, Shooting d8, Piloting d4, Notice d6, Stelath d6\\ Parry 6, Toughness 6 (12)\\ Battle Vest and Helmet, Bolt Rifle, vibro knife, communicator.\\//