=====HARD ROCKS===== World Status: Member World\\ Class: 4--Asteroids\\ Population: 15 million \\ Atmosphere: none \\ Oceans: none Export: power cubes (high), oremass (moderate) \\ Import: data cubes (low), Biomass (high), Bio cubes (moderate), mech cubes (moderate)\\ The Heat: 30%\\ [[Powercorp]] has this belt extremely well organized for the mass production and export of power cubes directly to the Core Planets. The System administrator, Dorris Yarbo, is mostly a ceremonial figurehead, elected for a 20 year term. The Powercorp District Manager, Jackson Ford, makes all the real decisions. The pay for Powercorp workers in system is very high, but the work is long and grueling. Due to some past bad experience with blackmail of key personnel over gambling debts, gambling is strictly outlawed in system. This, of course, has attracted the attention of [[the_purple_face|THE PURPLE FACE]] gangsters. This belt has a small industry of local celebrities who are followed everywhere by a camera crew reality show style. These tastemakers are beloved by the people of this belt, and they toil in the mines and plants for the honor of contributing to these peoples' lavish lifestyles. Occasionally, these celebrities will have a falling out which has caused riots and murders amongst their various fan bases in the past. Some of these celebrities include the wealthy but vapid London Raddison, the handsome and talented Clarkey Kellerson, the sly and avaricious Ronaldo Surpass, and the cartoonishly stupid Ranger Bixby.