=====MILGO===== World Status: Outpost\\ Class: 4--Asteroids\\ Population: 9,999\\ Atmosphere: None \\ Oceans: None\\ Export: Power Cubes (moderate), Oremass (low)\\ Import: Data Cubes (low), Mech Cubes (low), Bio Cubes (low), Biomass (low)\\ The Heat: 75% This is a mining and power cube outpost totally owned by [[Powercorp|Powercorp]]. The Site Manager, [[Lee Ho]], has made it so that there are never more than 9,999 legal permanent inhabitants, so that the system won't pass onto Colony Status and a Colonial Governor appointed. He is under strict orders to maximize profit in system, and has been importing large number of illegal clones and unregistered androids to do the work. The [[execustar|EXECUSTAR]] security force has wide latitude and free reign to keep things nailed down tight.