=====ORLAK===== Member World Class: 3 (Agricultural--Water World)\\ Population: 50 Million\\ Atmosphere: Human Standard\\ Oceans: 100% Export: Bio Cubes (high), Biomass (high)\\ Import: Mech Cubes (moderate), Power Cubes (high), Ore-mass (moderate), Data Cubes (high)\\ The Heat: 20%\\ This water world thrives on export of bio-cubes and ocean-farmed biomass. Several Scientists have been arrested by the [[science_patrol|Science Patrol]] on Orlak pursuing genetic research to augment humans with sea-gills. Giant floating cities migrate back and forth across the equator following the biggest schools of sea creatures as the world cycles through its seasons. A contingent of psionic sensitives live in a secret society amongst the fishermen of ORLAK. These people are misunderstood, and are oppressed by the common folk as witches. It is common to see public drownings as these simple superstitious folk test to see who is among them is "anathema," and who is dead.