====== Redwind ====== World Status: [[government_of_the_ugh|Colony]]\\ Class: [[astrogation#star_maps|Class 1]] \\ Population: 10,000 spread across the warmest part of the planet at the equator \\ Atmosphere: Thin, but supports human standard \\ Oceans: 60% of the planet, but mostly frozen solid Export: None \\ Import: All \\ The Heat: 10% Redwind is a tiny colony that barely supports sentient life. It exists only because of the [[Star Navy]] navigation beacon that it supports. It is more famous as a port of call for less reputable transports and cargo, and its tiny spaceport which can only support up to three ships at a time caters to this type of clientele. One can find someone to do dirty jobs done dirt cheap here, and those in that business often travel here to get jobs from "brokers" like [[Chitani]]. The far side of the planet from the spaceport is dominated by the dirtier jobs on the planet. Several mob bosses are based here, ready to do underhanded business for the right price. The local law enforcement mostly looks the other way as long as the trouble doesn't happen in their back yard, but occasionally the whole planet will be locked down by an investigation by the [[Space Cops]], forcing all the rats to flee the planet.