=====SECRET SPACE DETECTIVES===== Certain [[Space Cops]] with high intelligence, a successful arrest record and the right family background are recruited into the Secret Space Detectives. These agents work alone on the most delicate and important missions and in deep undercover operations. Each SSD outranks a Patrol Captain and can call on any Space Cop for help. While Space Cops are always in uniform, SSDs are always dressed in civilian clothes or disguises. ====NPC's==== "Slam" McNulty\\ Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6\\ Investigation d10, Notice d8, Fighting d8, Shooting d8, Piloting d6, Athletics d6\\ Toughness 5(15), Parry 6\\ Battle Vest, Laser Pistol, Stun Glove\\ Slam is on the illegal weapons and clones detail in the Outward planets of the Thrandor Sector. Always setting up paid informants offering top credit to unsuspecting lowlifes.