=====Station Bums===== Desperate fugitives sometimes find out about Bastard Station's unique legal situation and attempt to flee there. The fugitives must pay a fee up front to [[captain_hoorley|Captain Hoorley]] of the Red Rash or his [[contraband_alliance|Contraband Alliance]] contacts, who split it with the station owners. This income brings the station enough revenue to pay its small group of [[station_crew|Station Crew]] and enough power cubes to keep the lights on and air flowing. The fugitives, once they are delivered and their fees paid, are most often broke and usually end up joining the [[station_bums|Station Bums]]. The bums are the sorriest collection of losers you'll ever meet and are pushed down to lower decks of the station by the crew. It is estimated that there at least 100 of them down there. [[Ratface]] Jerk stole my sammich [[Big Chuck]] don't mess with bad-luck Chuck [[Stink Mumble]] is he an idiot or a genius? [[Gordie]] a no pants-wearing ratcatcher with a dream [[Saggy Starbust]] the station's troubadour