=====THE GILBERT BELT===== World Status: Member World\\ Class: 4--Asteroids\\ Population: 45 million\\ Atmosphere: None \\ Oceans: None\\ Export: Power Cubes (high), Oremass (high) \\ Import: Data Cubes (moderate), Mech Cubes (high), Bio cubes (high), Biomass (high)\\ The Heat: 35%\\ The Gilbert Belt is focused on mass production of Power Cubes for Export to the Core Planets. [[powercorp|POWERCORP]] has great influence, of course. But, as one of the oldest Member Worlds in the sector, it is relatively comfortable and well developed for an asteroid system. The system administrator is a retired bureaucrat from the Chamber of Information, named Yunly Downs, who probably blackmailed his way to the position. The system is occasionally gripped with anti-mutant mania.