=====WILUSA===== World Status: Member World\\ Class: 4--Asteroids\\ Population: 100 million\\ Atmosphere: None\\ Oceans: None (but there are several huge planetoids made of solid ice Export: Bio-Mass (high), Power Cubes (low), Bio Cubes (high), Ore mass (high)\\ Import: Mech Cubes (high), Data Cubes (high)\\ The Heat: 35%\\ Wilusa was founded as a Power-Cube source early the sector's frontier days. However, the locals saw that the anti-matter abundance would one day run out, and began to look at the ice-planetoids for an alternative. As Powercorp's interest waned in the system, local small companies founded a series of vast algae farms and the system became at first self-sufficient, then a major exporter of bio-mass and bio-cubes. The system is still self-sufficient in power cubes and maintains a small export trade as well. The System Administrator is Jane Bronski, president of the association of mine-owners and algae farmers of the system.