World Status: Member World

Class: 2–Manufacturing
Population: 20 Million
Atmosphere: Vacuum, population largely robotic, only 2 cities have pressurized domes
Oceans: 0

Export: Mech Cubes, Robots, Androids, Ore Mass (all high)
Import: Power Cubes (high), Data Cubes (high), Biomass (low), Biocubes (low)

The Heat: 75%

Dagor is the sector hub for the manufacture of robots and androids, so much so that the overwhelming majority of the population is made up of non-air-breathing androids, designed for the airless world. The space-port city of Landing has a dome with a pressurized atmosphere to accommodate visitors. Likewise, the planetary capital Control-1 has a pressurized dome to accommodate the Chamber Bureaucrats. The Robo–Patrol (local cops) are rather relentless and efficient.