Table of Contents


This is a highly illegal criminal scientific and manufacturing organization focusing on one product–Clones. From secret facilities in the UGH and outside of it they produce and sell cloned soldiers and industrial workers to other questionable enterprises.

The Standard Models

1–The Rent-A-Goons (R.A.G.) are the basic cloned guards. They are often recognizable by the orange jumpsuits they are issued.

Agility D6, Smarts D4, Spirit D4, Strength D6, Vigor D6
Toughness 5(7), Parry 5, Shooting D6, Fighting D6, Notice d4,
Kevlar Vest and Helmet, Bolt Rifle, Combat Knife

2–Nasty Assassin Goons (N.A.G.) are the top of the line killer clones. They usually wear red ninja outfits.

Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D8, Vigor D8
Toughness 6(12), Parry 7, Shooting D8, Fighting D10, Stealth d10, Athletics D10
Battle Vest, Vibro Sword, Flechette Pistol

3–Small Auxiliary Goons (S.A.G.) are small energetic gun clones that wear purple jump suits that clash with their green faces and who come in batches of no less that 12 (advantage being they only take up one-third the living quarters for the number of guns).

Agility D4, Smarts D4, Spirit D4, Strength D4, Vigor D4
Toughness 4(5), Parry 4, Shooting D4, Fighting D4, Notice d4,
Leather Jacket, Kevlar Helmet, Light Bolt Pistol (in a carbine configuration), Combat Knife

4–Brute Action Goons (B.A.G.) these are big, beefy clones used to do hard manual labor.

Agility D4, Smarts D4, Spirit D4, Strength D12, Vigor D8
Toughness 6, Parry 4, Athletics D6, Fighting d4


Goonie Bear. WC
Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Streetwise d10, Fighting d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Piloting d6, Notice d8
Toughness 6(7), Parry 5
Leather Jacket, Flechette pistol, molecular knife

Goonie Bear is a sales agent for Goons R Us. He travels around the Outward half of the Sector, avoiding worlds with too much “heat”. Can he sell you some clones? Maybe he can, maybe he can't.

Employment Costs

Notable Persons