World Status: Member World

Class: 2 - Manufacturing
Population: Twenty Million
Atmosphere: Bioengineered to human standard, tainted with fine purple dust
Oceans: 35% - Much of the water is subterranean

Export: Mech Cubes (high), Ore-mass (low)
Import: Data Cubes (low), Bio Cubes (low), Biomass (medium), Power Cubes (high)

The Heat: 30% - There is work to be done. The law only cares about you if you belong to a company. For the most part, if you don't get between the corporations and their money, you can do as you please and get off with a bribe.

New Silas is unique in that the planet's axial tilt results in extremely long-lasting seasons, a feature of the original planet Silas that this planet shares with its namesake.

This Oligarchy is a newer site of heavy industry used for the creation of mining equipment throughout the sector. A clever crew could probably find equipment like a Mining Drill or a suit of Powered Mining Armor here for cheap.

MASSIVE GENERAL runs most of the outfits on the planet, with a half-dozen or so smaller competitors. Some of the smaller gangs run a lucrative black market in some of the abandoned underground cities and mines, but that action is slowly being swallowed up by the incursion of THE PURPLE FACE.