World Status: Member World

Class: 2–Manufacturing
Population: 75 million
Atmosphere: Trace, vacuum suits required on surface
Oceans: 0%

Export: Mech Cubes (high)
Import: Bio Cubes (high), Power Cubes (high), Data Cubes (high),

The Heat: 55%

The inhabitants of Silas live in domed cities on the surface or in deep tunnel cities below ground due to the virtually non-existent atmosphere. The planet is self-sufficient in both biomass and ore mass, but exports neither. The biomass is from a fungal mass grown in huge cavernous tanks, kept warm by volcanic vents. BIOTOPIC is very interested in stealing and duplicating the biomass process, but is vigorously opposed by the local government. The government, led by System Administrator and Planetary Engineer Mungo Yutz, has been less successful in keeping MASSIVE GENERAL from siphoning off a huge share of planetary profits due to their dominance of the manufacturing of mech cubes.