Member World, The Sector Capital of the Thrandor Sector
Thrandor Sector Fleet Command Headquarters, always 1+ squadrons present

Class: 3 (Agricultural)
Population: 350,000,000
Atmosphere: Human Standard
Oceans: 45%

Export: Data Cubes (high), Bio Cubes (high), Biomass (high)
Import: Mech Cubes (high), Power Cubes (high), Ore-mass (high)

The Heat: 80%

Thrandor Prime is the richest, most liveable planet in the sector. The System Administrator, and ex officio Sector Governor is Melinda Walloon, an efficient but not terribly curious scion of a wealthy family. She was elected to a 10 year term when her opponent Pierre Rask was discovered to be a mutant and member of MUTANTS RISING under a clever disguise. All the sector offices of the Chambers are located here as is the Sector Fleet Command, with its Admiral J.T. Huker.

Thrandor Prime is home of one of the most exclusive secondary schools in the sector. The Schola Academy has produced the best and brightest that Thrandor has to offer, and continues to take rich people's money to graduate pampered scions of military and industry.