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CIAT Kiosks

A list of local hirelings who will travel to Bastard Station for work.

The Awesome Squad (Cost: 3)
Three ex-security guards looking to get rich being lazy
Agility: D6, Smarts: D6, Spirit: D4, Strength: D4, Vigor: D6; Hinderance: Yellow
Fighting D4, Shooting D6; Bolt Rifle, kevlar jacket, fighting knife, radio, one concussion grenade each

The Roughriders (Cost: 4)
Three cowboys unused to life in space
Agility: D4, Smarts: D4, Spirit: D6, Strength: D6, Vigor: D6; Hinderance: Space Sickness
Fighting D6, Shooting D4; Flak jacket and helmet, fighting hatchet (as axe), bolt rifle, radio, one concussion grenade each

Postal Pete (Cost: 2)
A dude who is just a little bit crazed and out of control
Agility: D6, Smarts: D4, Spirit: D8, Strength: D6, Vigor: D6; Edge: Berserk
Fighting D6, Shooting D4; leather jacket, axe, heavy bolt pistol

Spurtlefork (Cost: 1)
A bum from the station who isn't completely filthy and terrible
Agility: D4, Smarts: D4, Spirit: D4, Strength: D6, Vigor: D6; Hinderance: One Eye
Fighting D6, Shooting D4; leather jacket, fighting spork (as combat knife), heavy bolt pistol

Clue (Cost: 1)
He's not the best pilot, but he has agreed to come to Bastard Station

ciat_kiosks.1663550179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/19 01:16 by andrew