====== Factions of Yarth ====== This is a list of the nations, factions, and organizations that are found on Yarth. ===== Nations ===== * [[fortune_cookie_monks|The Monks of Fortune Cookie Island]] * [[seven_emperors|The Mageocracy of the Seven Emperors]] * [[slavers|The Ketos]] * [[The Kingdom of Sylvania]] * The Cannibal Nation - //MILES will tell us where or what this is in good time. They are the $ behind the [[Slavers]].// ===== Magical Orders ===== There are seven magical orders located in and around [[Doughnuthole]], on the island of [[Doughnut]]. Each order is under the direction of one of the [[seven_emperors|Emperors]] of the [[seven_emperors|Mageocracy]]. ===== Religious Orders ===== * [[Breadkin]] - Devoted disciples of [[Doh|The Doh]]