======= Geography of Yarth ======= The most detailed section of the world of Yarth is the [[Istuban Basin]] and the [[Eastern sea]]. {{:yarthmapraw.jpg?600 |}} ====== Points of Interest ====== * [[Eastern Sea|The Eastern Sea]] * [[Carbean Islands]] * [[Ancient Grain Island]] * [[Baguette Island]] * [[Croissant Island]] * [[Doughnut Island]] - The island of the capitol city * [[Doughnuthole]] - Capitol of the [[seven_emperors|Mageocracy of the Seven Emperors]] * [[Atkins_Mouth|Atkin's Mouth]] - A cavern located below the lagoon of Doughnut Island. * [[Fortune Cookie Island]] * [[Pecan Sandy Island]] * [[Penicillin]] * [[Naan Island]] * [[Pizza Island]] * [[Stromboli Island]] * [[Volcano Island]] * [[Crossbones Island]] * [[Slaver's Bay]] - Home of the [[slavers]] of the Eastern Sea * [[Mirshum Island]] * [[Lockjaw Island]] * [[Istuban Basin]] * [[Kingtown]] * [[Lake Ozark]] * [[Residence|The Residence]] * [[Sylvania|Kingdom of Sylvania]] * [[Traverse]] * [[Drammamine]] * [[underdark|The Underdark]] * "Jerry's Island" ======= Full Map of Yarth ======= {{:yarthworld.jpg?600|}}