====== The Golden Army ====== ===== The Heroes ===== * Drathea - Murderous Shepherd (Lindsay) * Dreagen - Warlock with Issues (John) * Faeragh - Drow Assassin (Amelia) * Heinrik - Dwarven Prophet of [[Lumios]] (Andrew) * Kakarayus - Sorcerer Supreme (Chris) * Keldred - Maniacal Zealot (Tim C) * Zinn - Stealer of Secrets (Timmay M) The first campaign set in Yarth described the heroes fighting off an army of deadly golden skeletal soldiers powered and controlled by the [[Black Eye]] to save the kingdom of [[Sylvania]]. It began in the village of [[Drammamine]], and quickly moved to the city of [[Traverse]]. It was during this campaign that the demi-god [[sir_bartholomew|Sir Bartholomew]] was first introduced. A semi-canon one-off game log from this campaign world based on Zog the follower of the [[Kingfish]] still exists: * [[https://lordsofhack.com/gold/The%20Regalia%20of%20Zog.pdf|The Regalia of Zog]]