Table of Contents

The Regalia of Zog

This magical bejeweled armband features a series of flawless amethyst crystals embedded in platinum and gold worth at least 25,000 coins for its components alone. It was once a personal artifact of Zog, the undying herald of the Kingfish. Zog is a demon himself who is known to create wondrous artifacts. Everyone knows that to find the Kingfish, one must first find Zog.

Following the demise of the Kingfish, this artifact was used in an attempt to re-grow the monster by a half-breed child of the Kingfish known as Hominpesca. The plan was foiled by a loose association of adventurers. The artifact was last seen taken by a Kenku Druid of the Land named Sqwak who delivered the item to his order for safekeeping.

A Writing from the Tome of Zog

“I Zog, the herald of the KINGFISH have created a mighty regalia. Using this device, we can regenerate any of our demonic forms - even the KINGFISH himself, just as the starfish returns stronger when cut into pieces.”

“Take my regalia, install it at the altar of wishes within the mighty temple of THE HATCHERY, and the magic will regrow the demonic host within a week’s time.”

The Chain of Grundle

There are still tales of the mighty barbarian lord Grundle who in ancient times was the nemesis of the Kingfish. He and his clan were great fishermen who were able to keep the demonic forces of the KingFish at bay. The “Chain of Grundle” refers to the dragonborn descendants of the barbarian lord himself who has the power in their blood to either destroy or restore the Kingfish to power.