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Holknersh Dreamwhisper

Scimitar of Warning and the clockwork amulet.

Holknersh was blessed (or cursed) with amazing psychic abilities ever since he was young. While these intuitive powers were useful, they came with a drawback. He could not have dreams of his own. Instead, he finds himself transported into other peoples' nightmares.

Over time, he learned all of these bad dreams were related to real life traumas of the people experiencing the night terrors. He decided to train himself in the art of battle in order to stop the nightmares of other people. He vowed to learn more about those with recurring bad dreams and stop the cause of the trauma in an effort to end these nightly ordeals. Most recently, the nightmares of the refugees of Phlan have drawn him to join the effort to reclaim the city, and resettle the innocents forced from their homes by the Cult of the Dragon.

holknersh_dreamwhisper.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/11 02:58 by andrew