Ability Score Generation
When a player creates a character, he rolls 3d6 and totals the dice 9 times. He then discards the 2 lowest totals. The remaining 7 he assigns to STR, INT, WIS, DEX, CON, CHA and GOLD as he sees fit. The total for GOLD is multiplied by 10 to get starting gold pieces the character has to buy equipment.
Ability Checks
When ability checks are called for, we will usually roll 1d20 with a number equal to or less than the ability score meaning success. If the task is very difficult, then roll d100 with ability score or less indicating success. When an opposed check is called for, two opponents roll 1d20 each and whichever rolls higher, but still not greater than his ability score wins.
Be warned this system predates having any kind of universal modifier based on stats, each stat has one or two fixed bonuses for use outside standard ability checks.
prime requisite for Fighters. Each point of STR allows character to carry 1 item toward his
encumbrance. If a character has 15 or better STR, he scores +1 damage with melee weapon.
INTELLIGENCE: prime requisite for Magic-Users. Each point of INT over 10 grants the character one bonus
language known. The higher the INT the more spells a magic-user can learn.
DEXTERITY: prime requisite for thieves. If a character has a DEX of 13+ he gets +1 to hit with missile weapons. If he has a DEX of 8 or less he has -1 to hit with missile weapons. DEX is the key guide to combat
CONSTITUTION: If a character has CON of 6 or less he gets -1 hp per die. If he has a CON of 15-16 he gets +1 hp per die, if he has a CON of 17, he gets +2 hp per die. If he has a CON of 18, he gets +3 hp per die. CON is also key to surviving
massive battle wounds.
CHARISMA: the number of followers (henchmen) a character can lead is scaled to his CHA score. CHA checks are also important to the
hiring process and negotiating during encounters. CHa 3-4: 1 hench, CHA 5-6: 2 hench; CHA 7-9: 3 hench; CHA 10-12: 4 hench, CHA 13-15: 5 hench; CHA 16-17: 6 hench; CHA 18: 12 hench.